Welcome to
Rotary E-Club
Metro Dynamix
The club was chartered on November 16, 2020 by RI President Rtn. Holger Knaack and District Governor, Rtn. Jose Chacko. We are sponsored by the Rotary Club of Metropolis, Coimbatore, and are part of District 3201. We are an E-Club with members from around the world who connect electronically to enjoy fellowship and plan service projects. The meetings happen on the 2nd and 4th Sunday each month at 8 pm or 9 pm, IST.
Metro Dynamix - Who are we?
Vision Statement
Our club cultivates a vibrant, fun and diverse environment wherein friends join hands to educate, inspire and empower to foster change through innovation and leadership.
We are a member centric club that aims to facilitate, demonstrate and promote a culture wherein all members are provided equal opportunity to participate as members and leaders, where information, ideas and feedback are shared openly, thereby promoting an inclusive and collaborative environment to achieve our vision.
What's behind our name ?
We are a group of strong and dynamic individuals from all across the world joining hands as friends, working together to give back to the community and bringing about change. In honor of our parent and sponsor, Rotary Club of Coimbatore Metropolis, we embraced their name and hence “Metro Dynamix”.
What's behind our logo ?

Our Logo signifies like minded friends from across the globe coming together with a purpose of serving the community in need. The logo also symbolizes the shape of the world, united we stand across the globe, helping hands, aiming at more success.
President's Message
Rtn Reshma Ramesh
President 2023- 2024

Firstly I would like to thank Past President Ayush Agarwala and his team of board members for doing an awesome job during the previous Rotary year. It’s an honour and I take great pleasure leading a young Rotary E-Club, a one of it’s kind and a role model one for our District 3201 as the 4th President for this year 23-24.
I will have some great team players who will be lending their hand as board members so we can take this stellar club to the next level.
It is an exciting time to take over the torch of leadership. Our club has been really gaining momentum over the years with our members taking various lead roles. Our club is starting to leave a significant impact in the areas like Education, Health Care, Inclusion, Child and Maternal care to name a few.
My top priority for this year would be to work with our Board and Committees to expand our Club's involvement in all areas and continue the path of having all members included in one way or form so it increases connectivity and builds bonding and friendship amongst our members and make this one big rotary family.
My other area of focus for this year would be on Membership Engagement and Development. Having been in Rotary as an Annet and now as an active contributor, I only have good experiences to share on how Rotary can change one’s life.
In this journey with my team this year following our Rotary international themes, let’s create hope in this world, restore peace and kindness and bring a lot of smiles along the way!
I leave you with one quote that I resonate with the most “The Rotary way is to light a candle. I light one, you light one, 1.2 million Rotarians light one. Together, we light up the world.”
Board Members
Immediate Past President
President Elect
Membership Development Chair
International Service Chair
Vocational Service Chair
Club Administration
The Rotary Foundation Chair
Community Service Chair
Public Image & Bulletin Chair
Rotary Four-Way Test
The Four-Way Test is a nonpartisan and nonsectarian ethical guide for Rotarians to use for their personal and professional relationships. The test has been translated into more than 100 languages, and Rotarians recite it at club meetings.

Photo Gallery
Whatever Rotary may mean to us, to the world it will be known by the results it achieves.
- Paul Harris, Rotary Founder.